If you are a student and your school has not verified your educational status on your behalf, you can apply for an individual education account through this link to use Autodesk Fusion - See Here
As a student, you will need to verify your educational status and then download Autodesk Fusion.
The verification process is done by an external company NOT Autodesk themselves, therefore it is important to upload the correct information to get verified as quickly as possible - See Here
Some useful tips:
Do NOT create an account from within Autodesk Fusion. This is NOT an education account and will cause 30-day trial confusion.
After the verification has taken place, you still don’t have automatic access to any products. After verification, you MUST ‘get products and select the product you require. In this case, Autodesk Fusion.
The verification process is done by an external company, NOT Autodesk themselves. Therefore, it is essential to upload the correct information to get verified as quickly as possible - See Here