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Learning With Fabrio
Updated over 4 months ago

Browsing Courses

You have the freedom to try any course available on Fabrio. At the top of the Course Library, you will be able to see some recommended courses, Pathways, and any courses which you have already started.

Using the Fabrio Add-in

As you work through a course on Fabrio, you can follow along in Fusion step-by-step. Some steps have a Fabrio bulb at the bottom, indicating that you can check your work here. This will analyse your design to see if you've completed the steps correctly, and gives your a visual representation of where it doesn't in case you've made a mistake.

Once you've installed the Add-In, you can run it by following the instructions here. Click on it to get started - the Add-In will open to a login screen. You can login using the same Email & Password you use for Fabrio.

Once you're logged in, the course and step you're currently on is displayed to you. Once you've confirmed that this matches the step you have open, simply click "Check My Model". If you've completed the model correctly, a pop-up box will appear saying Well done! Your model is correct.

Alternatively, if you've made a mistake somewhere, you can switch to the Feedback tab, and a list of all of the feature that are correct or incorrect are displayed to you. You can use this to correct your model. Once you've viewed your feedback, click "Clear Markings" to start editing your model again.

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